
 Definition of Caption Text

Caption text is a short text that is used to complete an image. Caption text appears usually under pictures, photos, graphics, posters and even tables.

The short text serves to describe what is in the image. Captions are usually also used to emphasize the content of an article, essay or report. Gramedia has a book entitled Kick Sakti Copywriting on Twitter, Facebook and Blogs written by Jubilee Enterprise, in this book you will be taught to write captions, tweets, statuses, headlines, and much more effectively and efficiently.

Types of Caption Text

Caption text also has several types, namely:1. Identification This type of caption text is usually used to describe or identify everyone in the photo, but does not explain a story. The focus on this type of identification text caption is on clarity.

2. Group Captions Group Captions are usually used to describe multiple images. This caption should have at least two sentences per image and include a quote whenever possible. Group captions must be clear about which image each caption describes.

3. Story-Telling Caption Story-telling captions are the ideal type of caption and can be used whenever possible. This type of caption will tell a story behind the image. Using this type of caption will usually be more interesting to read.

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A. Learning Objectives
After following the learning process, students are expected to be able to:
Imitate the teacher reading all the captions, and the correct pronunciation and word stress.
Read, analyze with the caption table that has been collected
B. Basic Competencies and Competency Achievement Indicators
Basic competencies
3.3 Distinguishing social functions, text structures,
and linguistic elements of some texts
specifically in the form of caption text, with
give and ask for related information
pictures / photos / tables / graphs / charts, as appropriate
with the context of use
 Imitate the teacher reading all the captions, and
correct pronunciation and stress.
4.3 Image accompanying text (caption)
4.3.1 Capturing meaning contextually
related to social function, text structure, and
special text linguistic elements in
related caption form
 Read, analyze with the appropriate caption table
has been collected
C. Media/tools, Materials and Learning Resources
: Assessment sheets and student worksheets
: Markers, whiteboards and projectors.
: English Book for Class XII Students, Ministry of Education and Culture, 2018
D. Learning Steps
Learning steps
(10 minutes)
 Greet and invite students to start the activity by
The teacher conveys about the learning objectives or basic competencies that
will be achieved
 Apperception and motivation about the importance of having language skills
English in the global era and conveys its relevance to other subjects.
The teacher conveys the material to be studied, namely the caption text
Core activities
(75 Minutes)
 Students are given motivation and guidance to see,
observing, reading, and rewriting.
 Students are given reading materials and related impressions
with caption text material.
 Students imitate the teacher related to reading caption texts
with correct pronunciation and intonation.
The teacher gives the opportunity to ask the students
about things that have not been understood in the caption text.

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