Anne: You have to sum all of the data then try to multiply it with the variable.
Jess: What do you mean?
Kalau diartikan, “What do you mean” berarti “apa maksudmu?” Ungkapan ini bisa elo gunakan ketika tidak memahami sesuatu yang orang lain katakan. 

Variasi lainnya adalah “What does this mean?” Ungkapan ini bisa elo gunakan untuk menanyakan sesuatu yang nggak elo mengerti. Contohnya adalah ketika membaca sebuah instruksi yang sulit dipahami. Elo bisa bertanya ke temen elo dengan ungkapan “What does this instruction mean?
Anne: Yesterday, Mr. Listian gave this assignment to explain about the digestive process in humans but I couldn’t understand it myself. Could you explain this to me?
Jess: Sure, let me explain that to you.
“Could you explain this to me?” kalau diartikan, artinya “Bisakah kamu menjelaskan ini kepada ku?” Biasanya ungkapan ini digunakan untuk meminta suatu penjelasan tentang sebuah konsep. Kalau di dalam contoh, yang ditanyakan adalah tentang proses pencernaan manusia

Jess: All the people are screaming and running out of that store, what is going on?
Anne: I have no idea either.
Bisa menebak nggak nih apa kira-kira arti dari  “what is going on?”? Yak! Artinya kurang lebih “Apa yang terjadi?” atau “Ada apa sih?”.
Jess: I found my white dress turned blue this morning in the washing machine.
Anne: How come?
Ungkapan kali ini lumayan singkat, ya, Sobat Zenius. “How come?” kalau diartikan bisa berbunyi “Kok bisa?” atau “Kenapa?”.

Elo juga bisa menambahkan detail fenomena atau kejadiannya dalam ungkapan ini seperti “How come your white dress turned blue?” Artinya “Kok bisa dress putih mu jadi biru?”
Prat 2

Explanation Text

Let's have a look at the concept of explanation texts. We'll learn the kind of language used & look at examples of how to write an explanation text effectively.

What is an Explanation Text?

An Explanation text is a piece of non-fiction writing explaining an action process or event in a detailed but simple way. It features numbered points, time connectives, pictures, diagrams, labels and captions to help the receiver understand the process of what’s being delivered.

Examples of How to Write an Explanation Text

How is Ice Cream Made?

“Ice cream is made with milk, cream and sugar. All of the ingredients are mixed together. Then, the mixed ingredients are heated up to kill off any germs. Flavours and colours are added next, strawberry flavoured ice cream is usually pink.The mixture is then frozen and whipped at the same time. This makes it softer.”

What are the Key Features of an Explanation Text?

  • Explanation text is typically written in the present tense with formal to-the-point language that doesn’t deviate from the topic.
  • It uses separate text with headings and subheadings to make the explanation text simple and easy to understand.
  • Add pictures and diagrams with labels for visual learners.
  • Any technical vocabulary used should fit into a glossary at the end to help with jargon.
  • Numbered points that explain something step-by-step
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