Biasanya jenis teks ini diawali dengan kalimat “How to…”, misalnya “How to make a cup of tea” atau “How to operate the machine”. procedure text banyak terdapat di buku resep masakan dan buku petunjuk (manual book).

The purpose of procedure text atau tujuan procedure text adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dibuat, dilakukan atau digunakan melalui langkah-langkah yang berurutan (to show how something is made/used/done through sequence of steps). Kira-kira, aspek apa saja ya, yang terdapat dalam teks prosedur? 

1. Structure of Procedure Text
Structure of procedure text terdiri dari 3 bagian, lho! Apa saja ya bagian dari structure of procedure text? Ada goal, materials, dan steps. Yuk lihat penjelasannya pada gambar di bawah ini! 

2. Language Features of Procedure Text
Setelah mengetahui aspek-aspek yang terdapat pada procedure text, sekarang yuk pelajari tentang kaidah kebahasaannya. Apa sajakah kaidah kebahasaan dari procedure text? Yuk kita bahas!

a. Simple Present Tense
Procedure text harus ditulis dengan menggunakan Simple Present Tense, ya guys! Hal ini dikarenakan dalam procedure text terdapat kalimat-kalimat fakta mengenai cara membuat atau melakukan sesuatu.

b. Kalimat Perintah (Imperative Sentences)
Apakah yang dimaksud kalimat perintah atau imperative sentences pada procedure text? Imperative sentence selalu diawali oleh verb 1 dari action verb atau kata kerja yang melibatkan aktivitas fisik. Jadi, kita tidak perlu memakai subject di awal kalimatnya. 

Contoh: Add 3 onions and mix it well.  Kalimat ini diawali oleh verb 1, add. Tidak ada subjek di awal kalimatnya ya.

c. Kata Penghubung (Connectives)
Kata penghubung (connectives) digunakan dalam sebuah procedure text untuk menghubungkan langkah-langkah di dalamnya supaya daftar instruksi yang dibuat menjadi runtut dan mudah dipahami. 

Contoh: firstly, secondly, then, after that, finally, dan sebagainya.

Prat 2 HOW TO DO

Procedure text is a text that explains, informs, or helps reader on how to make or use something.

Artinya, teks prosedur adalah teks yang menjelaskan, menginformasikan, atau membantu pembaca tentang cara membuat atau menggunakan sesuatu.

Adjarian pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan teks satu ini, sebab teks ini mudah dikenali dengan judulnya yang selalu diawali dengan “How to…”.

Tujuan dari procedure text adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dibuat atau digunakan melalui langkah-langkah yang terstruktur.

O iya, teks ini biasanya mudah ditemukan di kertas petunjuk saat membeli barang baru.

1. There are two ways to operate a portable keyboard, using bluetooth and a receiver.

2. First, we will discuss how to operate it using bluetooth.

3. At first, turn on the power button on the keyboard.

4. Then, turn on the bluetooth button on the keyboard.

5. After power and bluetooth are on, open bluetooth settings on your laptop or PC.

Procedure text is a text that explains, informs, or helps reader on how to make or use something.

Artinya, teks prosedur adalah teks yang menjelaskan, menginformasikan, atau membantu pembaca tentang cara membuat atau menggunakan sesuatu.

Adjarian pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan teks satu ini, sebab teks ini mudah dikenali dengan judulnya yang selalu diawali dengan “How to…”.

Tujuan dari procedure text adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dibuat atau digunakan melalui langkah-langkah yang terstruktur.

O iya, teks ini biasanya mudah ditemukan di kertas petunjuk saat membeli barang baru.

1. There are two ways to operate a portable keyboard, using bluetooth and a receiver.

2. First, we will discuss how to operate it using bluetooth.

3. At first, turn on the power button on the keyboard.

4. Then, turn on the bluetooth button on the keyboard.

5. After power and bluetooth are on, open bluetooth settings on your laptop or PC.

How To Use A Cash Deposit Machine To Deposit Money
To deposit your cash money in a Cash Deposit Machines (CDM), you need to prepare the followings:
1. Cash Deposit Machines (CDM)
2. Bank Account
3. Automated Teller Machines (ATM) Card  
There are few steps to deposit cash money in CDM as follows:
First, insert your ATM card into CDM machine. Second, select any language you want. Third, enter your pin number. And then, from the main menu select “Deposit” option. Next, you have to select “Cash Deposit” option. After that, select “Savings” or “Current” type of Account. Next, press “Confirm” from the menu to make sure that you will not deposit more than 200 notes. After that, place your cash money in the cash dispenser machine and the machine may take time to validate the cash. Then, the screen will display the denomination and here you can see the summary of how many notes you enter. Finally, click on “Confirm” to finish your transaction

How To Use A Liquid Detergent To Treat the Stubborn Stains
If you want to treat stubborn stains with a liquid detergent, please prepare the followings:
1. Liquid detergent
2. Normal detergent
3. Water
4. Washing Machine
If you have prepared the appliance and all materials, follow these directions:
1. Pour a small amount of the liquid detergent onto the stain and let it sit for a few minutes.
2. Massage the detergent gently into the material.
3. Place the item in the wash with your normal detergent.
4. Turn on your washing machine and wait until it finishes its washing time.


How To Make A Personal YouTube Channel
Before creating a YouTube account, please prepare the followings!
- Google Account
- Internet connection
Follow the following steps to create a personal YouTube channel !
1. Sign in to YouTube on a computer or a mobile site by using your Google account.
2. Try any action that requires a channel, such as uploading a video, or creating a playlist
3. If you don't have any channel, you'll see a prompt to create a channel.
4. Check the details (name and photo) and confirm to create your new channel.

How To Make A Video on YouTube Mobile
Before creating a video on YouTube mobile, please prepare the followings!
- Your original video
- A YouTube account
1. Open YouTube mobile by tapping the YouTube app icon, which resembles the YouTube logo in your Android mobile phone.
2. Tap the "Upload" icon which is in the upper-right side of the screen. This action will take you to the upload page.
3. Select your best video by tapping the video that you want to upload.
4. Edit your video, if it is necessary.
5. Add a video title and description by typing a title for your video into the "Title" box, then type a description (optional) into the text box below the title.
6. Wait for the video to finish uploading to YouTube. Once the video is live, you'll be able to view it on your channel.

How To Make Slime
 What You Need:
1. Borax (Sodium tetraborate)
2. Food coloring (optional)
3. School glue
4. Two bowls
5. Water
What You Do:
First, in one bowl mix 1 oz. glue (about ¼ of the glue bottle) and ¼ cup water. Add food coloring to the glue and water mixture if you want colored slime. Lift some of the solution out of the container with the stir stick and note what happens.

Prat 5


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